Our Environment
“IP is a signatory to The Australian Packaging Covenant and continues to seek ways to satisfy and exceed goals aimed at reducing the environmental footprint”
Irwin Packaging as a member of The Australian Packaging Covenant is committed to meeting as many of the Sustainable Packaging Guidelines (SPG’s) as possible.
For additional information on how you can be a part of this National Initiative please go to the APC website: www.packagingcovenant.org.au
The Steel Can Recycling Council (SCRC) was established in 1992 to raise awareness amongst consumers, local government and manufacturers of the recyclability of steel cans. Irwin Packaging were founding members of the Council and continue to support the activities of the SCRC and its consumer campaign ‘Cansmart.’ The campaign works through local government and through manufacturers to encourage people to recycle all types of steel cans through their kerbside recycling program. The campaign has increased the level of steel can recycling in Australia from zero to 56%.
In addition, 94% of households in Australia now have access to steel can recycling. However, every year each Australian sends around 3.5 kilograms of steel cans to landfill - that’s enough steel to make 40,000 fridges!
Recycling steel cans helps to protect our environment in three ways:
1. It saves precious natural resources
2. It saves energy
3. Reduces cans going to landfill
The SCRC vision has today been absorbed into individual Council recycling programs. IP is please that its input into the SCRC early recycling initiatives has been included into Council programmers.
All core board used in the production of Irwin Packaging's composite cans contains a percentage of recycled material.
Can Makers Institute of Australia ‘CMIA’
The Canmakers Institute of Australia of which Irwin Packaging was a founding member, was established over 50 years ago to promote the activities of its members involved in the tinplate, can and pail production. One of the principle aims of the CMIA has been to achieve consistent and economically viable approaches from can makers and their customers in improving tinplate-recycling processes. The CMIA has a technical committee focused on efficiency improvements in can manufacturing.